“Before I began working with Mary, I was tired, unmotivated, moody and just negative. My job, my health, and my life were not meaningful! I just didn’t care about much of anything. I felt fat in all my clothes and didn’t want to leave my house. I weighed 165 lbs. at my heaviest and while I had lost 20+ lbs. through diets, I continued to go up and down on the scale. I was also at a really low point in my life and was struggling with a meth addiction.
Then, I met Mary Evans and my life changed.
I’ve been using the Isagenix products since June 2017 and I must be honest – I didn’t always stick to the game plan when I went on vacation and I didn’t exercise much at all but I always came back and tried to stay on course. I’ve lost weight, I’m more energetic, I sleep better , and I have a ready to go attitude. I’m no longer moody and my overall attitude has been so much more positive.
After losing 15+ pounds and 14 inches I feel amazing! After using the products every day and with the support of the health group, I am now at 125 lbs. and feel better than ever. Through this transformation, I was taken off of one of my blood pressure meds and I quit smoking after doing so for 40 years! My attitude toward my health has done a complete 180 and my overall attitude has improved tremendously.
I have a kidney disease that has no cure and since using Isagenix, my numbers have improved considerably. My fellow associates at work have noticed a big change in my attitude and I attribute that to this great nutrition I’m putting into my body! I have more energy, sleep better, my nails and hair grow faster, and I feel amazing! I would love to share with everyone I meet and the income possibilities are endless! I can honestly say I don’t know where or if I’d even be here right now if I hadn’t met Mary Evans. ”
Danelle’s Story
“I started using Isagenix 6 years ago. In the first 30 days, I lost 11 pounds and 13.5 inches. I continue to feel better the longer I use this system. Now, I have fewer sugar cravings, am breezing through the hormonal changes of my 50s, sleep soundly, and have dropped two pant sizes!
Financially, I replaced my income as an Exercise Physiologist with a Master’s Degree. I was bringing home about $1400 a month and now earn anywhere between $2500-3000 a month. This gives me time, freedom, and the opportunity to take care of my grandson while my daughter finishes college.
The beautiful thing about this opportunity is that the sky is the limit for earning potential and the lives I get to change along the way is the best compensation a person could ever expect. Thank God for Isagenix!”
Colleen’s Story
“Before Isagenix I was a tired, stressed, overwhelmed mom struggling to get through a day without long afternoon naps. I didn’t like the way I felt or responded to my family. When a video by my friend, Mary Evans came through my feed, I watched it and became intrigued by the idea of cellular cleansing. That was five years ago, since then I have more energy, less stress, and my clothes fit better. I now believe optimal health is achievable for all people. Thanks to Mary, I found a better way to live with more gratitude and energy, and my clothes fit better. Transformations are for every body.”
Rhonda’s Story
“Before Isagenix I was a stressed out, overweight, exhausted woman and I hadn’t slept all night in 3 years. I was fifty and felt old! My son introduced me to Isagenix and it took me 5 months to say yes, reluctantly! You see, I was very skeptical! Even in my darkest time, I still wasn’t willing to give this a try to help me climb out of that darkness. On September 14, 2014 I started with a shake. On the 5th morning, I woke up from the best night’s sleep. In less than 3 months I had gained energy and calmness and I lost 42 inches and 28 pounds. I’m excited to share my experience with others so they can reignite their hopes and dreams!”
Kathy’s Story
“At 56 years young, Kathy is happily married living in Hawaii. She and her husband honeymooned on the island of Kauai, fell in love with everything about it, and decided to call “paradise” home.
They work together at a local assisted living community in an effort to give back. Kathy’s titles range from Joy Specialist to Happiness Facilitator to Social Butterfly – she likes to keep it fun for the residents, and considers them her family. She is the Business Office Manager.
“But, we had fallen into a rut at home.” recalls Kathy. “We were enjoying sitting back, relaxing, eating the wrong foods, and watching TV a little too much. We were not getting out and enjoying the island.”
It wasn’t until Kathy turned 50 that she decided to embark on an exercise regimen and lose weight.
AGE IS JUST A NUMBER “From age 50 to 51, I was frustrated,” shares Kathy. “Nothing worked. I had become an expert at not losing weight on numerous weight-loss programs.”
Then her yoga instructor shared Isagenix and the benefits behind the products.
“She also encouraged me to take a few “before” pictures, to document my journey and upload them into the Challenge,” says Kathy, “which I really did not understand. But I was so focused, I trusted her and did what she said.”
With an increasing number of failed weight-loss programs under her belt, Kathy was open-minded and seeking solutions.
“When I saw my initial ‘before’ pictures I started to cry,” remembers Kathy. “They instantly became my motivation to get healthier. Anyone who thinks they don’t need to take a ‘before’ picture should think again. It could be the game-changer you need.”
Overall, Kathy has lost 39 pounds and 40 inches* since starting her Isagenix journey.”